Csharp/C Sharp/Data Types/Char

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A queue class for characters

<source lang="csharp"> /* C# A Beginner"s Guide By Schildt Publisher: Osborne McGraw-Hill ISBN: 0072133295

  • /


  Project 5-2 

  A queue class for characters. 
  • /

using System;

class Queue {

 public char[] q; // this array holds the queue 
 public int putloc, getloc; // the put and get indices 

 public Queue(int size) { 
   q = new char[size+1]; // allocate memory for queue 
   putloc = getloc = 0; 

 // put a character into the queue 
 public void put(char ch) { 
   if(putloc==q.Length-1) { 
     Console.WriteLine(" -- Queue is full."); 
   q[putloc] = ch; 

 // get a character from the queue 
 public char get() { 
   if(getloc == putloc) { 
     Console.WriteLine(" -- Queue is empty."); 
     return (char) 0;  
   return q[getloc]; 


// Demonstrate the Queue class. public class QueueDemo1 {

 public static void Main() { 
   Queue bigQ = new Queue(100); 
   Queue smallQ = new Queue(4); 
   char ch; 
   int i; 

   Console.WriteLine("Using bigQ to store the alphabet."); 
   // put some numbers into bigQ 
   for(i=0; i < 26; i++) 
     bigQ.put((char) ("A" + i)); 

   // retrieve and display elements from bigQ 
   Console.Write("Contents of bigQ: "); 
   for(i=0; i < 26; i++) {  
     ch = bigQ.get(); 
     if(ch != (char) 0) Console.Write(ch); 


   Console.WriteLine("Using smallQ to generate erros."); 
   // Now, use smallQ to generate some errors 
   for(i=0; i < 5; i++) { 
     Console.Write("Attempting to store " + 
                      (char) ("Z" - i)); 

     smallQ.put((char) ("Z" - i)); 


   // more errors on smallQ 
   Console.Write("Contents of smallQ: "); 
   for(i=0; i < 5; i++) {  
     ch = smallQ.get(); 

     if(ch != (char) 0) Console.Write(ch); 



A set class for characters

<source lang="csharp"> /* C# A Beginner"s Guide By Schildt Publisher: Osborne McGraw-Hill ISBN: 0072133295

  • /


  Project 7-1 

  A set class for characters.  
  • /

using System;

class Set {

 char[] members; // this array holds the set    
 int len; // number of members 

 // Construct a null set. 
 public Set() { 
   len = 0; 

 // Construct an empty set of a given size.   
 public Set(int size) {    
   members = new char[size]; // allocate memory for set    
   len = 0; // no members when constructed 
 // Construct a set from another set. 
 public Set(Set s) {    
   members = new char[s.len]; // allocate memory for set    
   for(int i=0; i < s.len; i++) members[i] = s[i]; 
   len = s.len; // number of members 

 // Implement read-only Length property. 
 public int Length { 
     return len; 

 // Implement read-only indexer. 
 public char this[int idx]{ 
   get { 
     if(idx >= 0 & idx < len) return members[idx]; 
     else return (char)0; 

 /* See if an element is in the set.    
    Return the index of the element 
    or -1 if not found. */ 
 int find(char ch) { 
   int i; 
   for(i=0; i < len; i++) 
     if(members[i] == ch) return i; 

   return -1; 

 // Add a unique element to a set.    
 public static Set operator +(Set ob, char ch) {  
   Set newset = new Set(ob.len + 1); // make a new set one element larger 

   // copy elements 
   for(int i=0; i < ob.len; i++) 
     newset.members[i] = ob.members[i]; 

   // set len 
   newset.len = ob.len; 
   // see if element already exists 
   if(ob.find(ch) == -1) { // if not found, then add 
     // add new element to new set 
     newset.members[newset.len] = ch; 
   return newset; // return updated set 

 // Remove an element from the set.    
 public static Set operator -(Set ob, char ch) {  
   Set newset = new Set();  
   int i = ob.find(ch); // i will be -1 if element not found 

   // copy and compress the remaining elements 
   for(int j=0; j < ob.len; j++) 
     if(j != i) newset = newset + ob.members[j]; 

   return newset; 

 // Set union. 
 public static Set operator +(Set ob1, Set ob2) {  
   Set newset = new Set(ob1); // copy the first set 

   // add unique elements from second set 
   for(int i=0; i < ob2.len; i++)  
       newset = newset + ob2[i]; 

   return newset; // return updated set 

 // Set difference. 
 public static Set operator -(Set ob1, Set ob2) {  
   Set newset = new Set(ob1); // copy the first set 

   // subtract elements from second set 
   for(int i=0; i < ob2.len; i++)  
       newset = newset - ob2[i]; 

   return newset; // return updated set 


// Demonstrate the Set class. public class SetDemo {

 public static void Main() {    
   // construct 10-element empty Set   
   Set s1 = new Set();    
   Set s2 = new Set(); 
   Set s3 = new Set(); 

   s1 = s1 + "A"; 
   s1 = s1 + "B"; 
   s1 = s1 + "C"; 

   Console.Write("s1 after adding A B C: ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s1.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s1[i] + " ");    

   s1 = s1 - "B"; 
   Console.Write("s1 after s1 = s1 - "B": ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s1.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s1[i] + " ");    

   s1 = s1 - "A"; 
   Console.Write("s1 after s1 = s1 - "A": ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s1.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s1[i] + " ");    

   s1 = s1 - "C"; 
   Console.Write("s1 after a1 = s1 - "C": ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s1.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s1[i] + " ");    

   s1 = s1 + "A"; 
   s1 = s1 + "B"; 
   s1 = s1 + "C"; 
   Console.Write("s1 after adding A B C: ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s1.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s1[i] + " ");    

   s2 = s2 + "A"; 
   s2 = s2 + "X"; 
   s2 = s2 + "W"; 

   Console.Write("s2 after adding A X W: ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s2.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s2[i] + " ");    

   s3 = s1 + s2; 
   Console.Write("s3 after s3 = s1 + s2: ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s3.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s3[i] + " ");    

   s3 = s3 - s1; 
   Console.Write("s3 after s3 - s1: ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s3.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s3[i] + " ");    

   s2 = s2 - s2; // clear s2 
   s2 = s2 + "C"; // add ABC in reverse order 
   s2 = s2 + "B"; 
   s2 = s2 + "A"; 

   Console.Write("s1 is now: ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s1.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s1[i] + " ");    

   Console.Write("s2 is now: ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s2.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s2[i] + " ");    

   Console.Write("s3 is now: ");  
   for(int i=0; i<s3.Length; i++)     
     Console.Write(s3[i] + " ");    



A stack class for characters

<source lang="csharp"> /* C#: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002) ISBN: 0072134852

  • /

// A stack class for characters.

using System;

class Stack {

 // these members are private 
 char[] stck; // holds the stack  
 int tos;     // index of the top of the stack  
 // Construct an empty Stack given its size.  
 public Stack(int size) {   
   stck = new char[size]; // allocate memory for stack  
   tos = 0;   
 // Construct a Stack from a stack. 
 public Stack(Stack ob) {   
   // allocate memory for stack  
   stck = new char[ob.stck.Length]; 

   // copy elements to new stack 
   for(int i=0; i < ob.tos; i++)  
     stck[i] = ob.stck[i]; 

   // set tos for new stack 
   tos = ob.tos; 
 // Push characters onto the stack.  
 public void push(char ch) {   
   if(tos==stck.Length) {   
     Console.WriteLine(" -- Stack is full.");   
   stck[tos] = ch;  
 // Pop a character from the stack.  
 public char pop() {   
   if(tos==0) {   
     Console.WriteLine(" -- Stack is empty.");   
     return (char) 0;    
   return stck[tos];   

 // Return true if the stack is full. 
 public bool full() { 
   return tos==stck.Length;    

 // Return true if the stack is empty. 
 public bool empty() { 
   return tos==0; 

 // Return total capacity of the stack. 
 public int capacity() { 
   return stck.Length; 

 // Return number of objects currently on the stack. 
 public int getNum() { 
   return tos; 


// Demonstrate the Stack class. public class StackDemo1 {

 public static void Main() {   
   Stack stk1 = new Stack(10);   
   char ch;   
   int i;   
   // Put some characters into stk1. 
   Console.WriteLine("Push A through Z onto stk1."); 
   for(i=0; !stk1.full(); i++)   
     stk1.push((char) ("A" + i));   

   // Create a copy of stck1 
   Stack stk2 = new Stack(stk1); 
   // Display the contents of stk1. 
   Console.Write("Contents of stk1: ");   
   while( !stk1.empty() ) {    
     ch = stk1.pop();   

   Console.Write("Contents of stk2: ");   
   while ( !stk2.empty() ) {    
     ch = stk2.pop();   




Demonstrate several Char methods

<source lang="csharp"> /* C#: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002) ISBN: 0072134852

  • /

// Demonstrate several Char methods.

using System;

public class CharDemo {

 public static void Main() {     
   string str = "This is a test. $23"; 
   int i; 

   for(i=0; i < str.Length; i++) { 
     Console.Write(str[i] + " is"); 
       Console.Write(" digit"); 
       Console.Write(" letter"); 
       Console.Write(" lowercase"); 
       Console.Write(" uppercase"); 
       Console.Write(" symbol"); 
       Console.Write(" separator"); 
       Console.Write(" whitespace"); 
       Console.Write(" punctuation"); 


   Console.WriteLine("Original: " + str); 

   // Convert to upper case.    
   string newstr = ""; 
   for(i=0; i < str.Length; i++) 
     newstr += Char.ToUpper(str[i]); 
   Console.WriteLine("Uppercased: " + newstr); 




Demonstrate the ICharQ interface: A character queue interface

<source lang="csharp"> /* C# A Beginner"s Guide By Schildt Publisher: Osborne McGraw-Hill ISBN: 0072133295

  • /


  Project 9-1 

  Demonstrate the ICharQ interface.    
  • /

using System; // A character queue interface. public interface ICharQ {

 // Put a characer into the queue.    
 void put(char ch); 

 // Get a character from the queue.   
 char get(); 


// A fixed-size queue class for characters.

class FixedQueue : ICharQ {    
 char[] q; // this array holds the queue    
 int putloc, getloc; // the put and get indices    
 // Construct an empty queue given its size.   
 public FixedQueue(int size) {    
   q = new char[size+1]; // allocate memory for queue    
   putloc = getloc = 0;    
 // Put a character into the queue.    
 public void put(char ch) {    
   if(putloc==q.Length-1) {    
     Console.WriteLine(" -- Queue is full.");    
   q[putloc] = ch;    
 // Get a character from the queue.   
 public char get() {    
   if(getloc == putloc) {    
     Console.WriteLine(" -- Queue is empty.");    
     return (char) 0;     
   return q[getloc];    

} // A circular queue. class CircularQueue : ICharQ {

 char[] q; // this array holds the queue    
 int putloc, getloc; // the put and get indices    
 // Construct an empty queue given its size.   
 public CircularQueue(int size) {    
   q = new char[size+1]; // allocate memory for queue    
   putloc = getloc = 0;    
 // Put a character into the queue.    
 public void put(char ch) {    
   /* Queue is full if either putloc is one less than 
      getloc, or if putloc is at the end of the array 
      and getloc is at the beginning. */ 
   if(putloc+1==getloc | 
      ((putloc==q.Length-1) & (getloc==0))) {    
     Console.WriteLine(" -- Queue is full.");    
   if(putloc==q.Length) putloc = 0; // loop back 
   q[putloc] = ch;    
 // Get a character from the queue.   
 public char get() {    
   if(getloc == putloc) {    
     Console.WriteLine(" -- Queue is empty.");    
     return (char) 0;     
   if(getloc==q.Length) getloc = 0; // loop back 
   return q[getloc];    

} // A dynamic queue. class DynQueue : ICharQ {

 char[] q; // this array holds the queue    
 int putloc, getloc; // the put and get indices    
 // Construct an empty queue given its size.   
 public DynQueue(int size) {    
   q = new char[size+1]; // allocate memory for queue    
   putloc = getloc = 0;    
 // Put a character into the queue.    
 public void put(char ch) {    
   if(putloc==q.Length-1) {    
     // increase queue size 
     char[] t = new char[q.Length * 2]; 

     // copy elements into new queue 
     for(int i=0; i < q.Length; i++) 
       t[i] = q[i]; 

     q = t; 
   q[putloc] = ch;    
 // Get a character from the queue.   
 public char get() {    
   if(getloc == putloc) {    
     Console.WriteLine(" -- Queue is empty.");    
     return (char) 0;     
   return q[getloc];    

} // Demonstrate the queues. public class IQDemo {

 public static void Main() {    
   FixedQueue q1 = new FixedQueue(10);    
   DynQueue q2 = new DynQueue(5); 
   CircularQueue q3 = new CircularQueue(10); 

   ICharQ iQ; 

   char ch;    
   int i;    

   iQ = q1;    
   // Put some characters into fixed queue.    
   for(i=0; i < 10; i++)    
     iQ.put((char) ("A" + i));    
   // Show the queue. 
   Console.Write("Contents of fixed queue: ");    
   for(i=0; i < 10; i++) {     
     ch = iQ.get();    

   iQ = q2; 
   // Put some characters into dynamic queue.    
   for(i=0; i < 10; i++)    
     iQ.put((char) ("Z" - i));    
   // Show the queue. 
   Console.Write("Contents of dynamic queue: ");    
   for(i=0; i < 10; i++) {     
     ch = iQ.get();    


   iQ = q3; 
   // Put some characters into circular queue.    
   for(i=0; i < 10; i++)    
     iQ.put((char) ("A" + i));    
   // Show the queue. 
   Console.Write("Contents of circular queue: ");    
   for(i=0; i < 10; i++) {     
     ch = iQ.get();    


   // Put more characters into circular queue.    
   for(i=10; i < 20; i++)    
     iQ.put((char) ("A" + i));    

   // Show the queue. 
   Console.Write("Contents of circular queue: ");    
   for(i=0; i < 10; i++) {     
     ch = iQ.get();    

   Console.WriteLine("\nStore and consume from" + 
                      " circular queue."); 

   // Use and consume from circular queue. 
   for(i=0; i < 20; i++) { 
     iQ.put((char) ("A" + i));    
     ch = iQ.get();    




Determining If A Character Is Within A Specified Range

<source lang="csharp"> using System; using System.Data; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Text; class Class1{

       static void Main(string[] args){
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRange("c", "a", "G"));
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRange("c", "a", "g"));
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRange("c", "c", "g"));
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRange((char)32, "a", "b"));
   public static bool IsInRange(char testChar, char startOfRange, char endOfRange)
     if (testChar >= startOfRange && testChar <= endOfRange)
       // testChar is within the range
       return (true);
       // testChar is NOT within the range 
       return (false);



Encode or decode a message

<source lang="csharp"> /* C#: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002) ISBN: 0072134852

  • /

// Encode or decode a message.

using System;

public class Cipher {

 public static int Main(string[] args) {   

   // see if arguments a present 
   if(args.Length < 2) { 
     Console.WriteLine("Usage: encode/decode word1 [word2...wordN]"); 
     return 1; // return failure code 

   // if args present, first arg must be encode or decode 
   if(args[0] != "encode" & args[0] != "decode") { 
     Console.WriteLine("First arg must be encode or decode."); 
     return 1; // return failure code 

   // encode or decode message 
   for(int n=1; n < args.Length; n++) { 
     for(int i=0; i < args[n].Length; i++) { 
         Console.Write((char) (args[n][i] + 1) ); 
         Console.Write((char) (args[n][i] - 1) ); 
     Console.Write(" "); 


   return 0; 



Escape Characters

<source lang="csharp"> /*

* C# Programmers Pocket Consultant
* Author: Gregory S. MacBeth
* Email: gmacbeth@comporium.net
* Create Date: June 27, 2003
* Last Modified Date:
* Version: 1

using System; namespace Client.Chapter_1___Common_Type_System {

 public class EscapeCharacters {
   static void Main(string[] args)
     char MyChar = "\0";
     string MyString = @"C:\MyFiles";
     string MYString2 = "c:\\Program Files";
     string MyString3 = " \"To Be or Not To Be, That Is The Question\" ";



Get char type: control, digit, letter, number, punctuation, surrogate, symbol and white space

<source lang="csharp"> using System; using System.Data; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Text; class Class1{

       static void Main(string[] args){
   public static String GetCharKind(char theChar)
     if (Char.IsControl(theChar))
       return "Control";
     else if (Char.IsDigit(theChar))
       return "Digit";
     else if (Char.IsLetter(theChar))
       return "Letter";
     else if (Char.IsNumber(theChar))
       return "Number";
     else if (Char.IsPunctuation(theChar))
       return "Punctuation";
     else if (Char.IsSeparator(theChar))
       return "Separator";
     else if (Char.IsSurrogate(theChar))
       return "Surrogate";
     else if (Char.IsSymbol(theChar))
       return "Symbol";
     else if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(theChar))
       return "Whitespace";
       return "Unknown";



Is a char in a range: Case Insensitive

<source lang="csharp"> using System; using System.Data; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Text; class Class1{

       static void Main(string[] args){
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRangeCaseInsensitive("c", "a", "G"));
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRangeCaseInsensitive("c", "a", "c"));
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRangeCaseInsensitive("c", "g", "g"));
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRangeCaseInsensitive((char)32, "a", "b"));
   public static bool IsInRangeCaseInsensitive(char testChar, char startOfRange, char endOfRange)
     testChar = char.ToUpper(testChar);
     startOfRange = char.ToUpper(startOfRange);
     endOfRange = char.ToUpper(endOfRange);
     if (testChar >= startOfRange && testChar <= endOfRange)
       // testChar is within the range
       return (true);
       // testChar is NOT within the range 
       return (false);



Is a char in a range Exclusively

<source lang="csharp"> using System; using System.Data; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Text; class Class1{

       static void Main(string[] args){
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRangeExclusive("c", "c", "g"));
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRangeExclusive("c", "c", "g"));
           Console.WriteLine(IsInRangeExclusive((char)32, (char)31, "Z"));
   public static bool IsInRangeExclusive(char testChar, char startOfRange, char endOfRange)
     if (testChar > startOfRange && testChar < endOfRange)
       // testChar is within the range
       return (true);
       // testChar is NOT within the range 
       return (false);



IsDigit, IsLetter, IsWhiteSpace, IsLetterOrDigit, IsPunctuation

<source lang="csharp"> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; class Program {

   static void Main(string[] args) {
       Console.WriteLine("-> char.IsDigit("K"): {0}", char.IsDigit("K"));
       Console.WriteLine("-> char.IsDigit("9"): {0}", char.IsDigit("9"));
       Console.WriteLine("-> char.IsLetter("10", 1): {0}", char.IsLetter("10", 1));
       Console.WriteLine("-> char.IsLetter("p"): {0}", char.IsLetter("p"));
       Console.WriteLine("-> char.IsWhiteSpace("Hello There", 5): {0}",char.IsWhiteSpace("Hello There", 5));
       Console.WriteLine("-> char.IsWhiteSpace("Hello There", 6): {0}",char.IsWhiteSpace("Hello There", 6));
       Console.WriteLine("-> char.IsLetterOrDigit("?"): {0}",char.IsLetterOrDigit("?"));
       Console.WriteLine("-> char.IsPunctuation("!"): {0}",char.IsPunctuation("!"));
       Console.WriteLine("-> char.IsPunctuation(">"): {0}",char.IsPunctuation(">"));
       Console.WriteLine("-> char.IsPunctuation(","): {0}",char.IsPunctuation(","));



Using Char

<source lang="csharp"> /*

* C# Programmers Pocket Consultant
* Author: Gregory S. MacBeth
* Email: gmacbeth@comporium.net
* Create Date: June 27, 2003
* Last Modified Date:
* Version: 1

using System; namespace Client.Chapter_1___Common_Type_System {

 public class UsingCharChapter_1___Common_Type_System {
   static void Main(string[] args)
     char MyChar = "A";
     MyChar = (char)65;
     char[] MyChar2 = { "H", "e", "l", "l", "o", "\0" };
     char[] MyChar3 = new char[5];
     MyChar3[0] = "H";
     MyChar3[1] = "e";
     MyChar3[2] = "l";
     MyChar3[3] = "l";
     MyChar3[4] = "o";
     MyChar3[5] = "\0";

