Csharp/CSharp Tutorial/Operator/Assignment Operator

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Full list of shortcut assignment operators available in C#.

<source lang="csharp">Shortcut Operator Equivalent To x++, ++x x=x+1 x--, --x x=x-1 x+=y x=x+y x-=y x=x-y x*=y x=x*y x/=y x=x/y x%=y x=x%y x>>= y x=x>>y x<<= y x=x<<y x&=y x=x&y x|=y x=x|y x^=y x=x^y</source>

List of Compound Operators

<source lang="csharp">Operator Symbol Sample Addition Assignment += variable+=5; Subtraction Assignment -= variable-=10; Multiplication Assignment *= variable*=5; Division Assignment /= variable/=5; Modulus Assignment  %= variable%=3; And Assignment &= variable&=3; Or Assignment |= variable|=3; XOR Assignment ^= variable^= 3; Left-Shift Assignment <<= variable<<=3; Right-Shift Assignment >>= variable>>=1</source>

Operator list

<source lang="csharp">Category Operator Arithmetic +-*/% Logical &|^~&&||! String concatenation + Increment and decrement ++ -- Bit shifting << >> Comparison == != <> <= >= Assignment =+=-=*=/=%=&=|=^=<<=>>= Member access (for objects and structs) . Indexing (for arrays and indexers) [] Cast () Conditional (the Ternary Operator)  ?: Delegate concatenation and removal +- Object Creation new Type information sizeof (unsafe code only) is typeof as Overflow exception control checked unchecked Indirection and Address *->& (unsafe code only) [] Namespace alias qualifier  :: Null coalescing operator  ??</source>

The Assignment Operator

It has this general form:

<source lang="csharp">var = expression;</source>